Empowered Whole Being Press

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Spiritual Transformation Simplified: The Six Fundamentals for Life Mastery

By Candace Stuart-Findlay
Are you ready for lasting positive change? Looking for a transformational “road map” to help you create your best life?
This is it…Spiritual Transformation Simplified™ ~ The Six Fundamentals for Life Mastery! A step-by-step guidebook created to streamline and demystify self-empowerment, based upon the culmination of Candace Stuart-Findlay’s years of quantum science research, personal spiritual reawakening experience, and transformation facilitation for a worldwide client base.
The information contained within its pages provides a new perspective on the age-old quest for self-realization, providing a straightforward framework for manifesting your best life. Each fundamental creates the foundation for the subsequent one, thus building the infrastructure for lasting joyous transformation. Additionally, exercises are included at each chapter’s end to help readers more fully understand and integrate the material. Those who practice the Spiritual Transformation Simplified™ fundamentals will experience self-empowered lasting transformation, easily tapping into their greater self guidance to co-create the best life imaginable![/twocol_one_last]

Purchase your Self-Empowerment  Road Map!

Barnes & Noble
